Rekordbox Philips Hue

Pioneer DJ has announced the latest version of rekordbox, with a revamp that brings a deck load of new features. Rekordbox 6’s biggest haul is the integration with Dropbox, SoundCloud and Beatport to offer users a cloud-based library across different platforms. However, other notable features include free use of Performance Mode, display updates, Ableton Link support and a new subscription. Browse our How to videos either in the Philips Hue app (you can find them in the Explore tab under 'How to videos'), or view all our videos on the Philips Hue YouTube channel. Go to Philips Hue YouTube channel. Find a product manual Security Advisory. Preparing rekordbox 5 Preparing rekordbox Before using rekordbox, you need to install it and make settings. Note. For rekordbox ver. 6.0 or later, “rekordbox dj License Card” which is supplied with the Pionner DJ equipment cannot be used. (It can be used to activate rekordbox dj (PERFORM ANCE mode) on rekordbox ver.


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  • Tell me more about subscription terms and conditions.

    Free trial period

    • One free trial available per subscriber.
    • Your subscription level cannot be changed during the free trial.
    • You can cancel your subscription at any time.
    • If you cancel your subscription during your free trial period, your access to rekordbox will cease at the end of your free trial period.
    • After the free trial period you will be charged the monthly subscription price quoted to you each month until you cancel.
    • If you cancel after the end of your free trial, you will continue to have access to rekordbox to the end of your current billing period and you will not be entitled to a refund.

    Paid period

    • You can cancel your subscription at any time.
    • If you cancel your subscription you will continue to have access to rekordbox to the end of your current billing period.
    • If you refund request within 14 days of the start of your subscription, we will refund the portion of the service that you have paid for although not used on a pro-rata basis, using the same method of payment that you used to purchase your subscription.
    • To receive the refund, please make an application for the refund request via the MyCommerce site ( .
    • Your access to rekordbox (paid plan) will be stopped, within five (5) working days of executing the refund request.
    • After 14 days of the start of your subscription, you will not be entitled to a refund.


    To cancel your subscription and, if applicable, request a refund, log in to your Pioneer DJ account and access the Plan page.

    For refund requests, please complete the application form via the MyCommerce site (

  • Can I buy a license for rekordbox ver. 6?

    rekordbox ver. 6 only offers subscription plans. There's no option to purchase a license.

  • Tell me about the new subscription plans for rekordbox ver. 6.

    rekordbox ver. 6 offers 2 paid plans (Core plan, Creative plan) and one that's free of charge (Free plan).

    Core plan enables you to connect DJ equipment and use it to control PERFORMANCE mode.

    Creative plan includes the Cloud Library Sync, RMX EFFECTS, Lyric and Video features.*

    With the Free plan you can use EXPORT mode and some PERFORMANCE mode functions.

    Find details of the features available in each plan here.

    *The subscription agreement will be automatically renewed for another period of one month ('Expiration date of an automatically renewed agreement'), unless a cancellation is made by the customer. In the case of Pioneer DJ confirming the cancellation during the subscription terms, the agreement will end at the expiration date of such a term.

  • Is there a trial for rekordbox ver. 6?

    No trial is available for rekordbox ver. 6, but a 30 Day Free Trial of the subscription plan is available.

    One free trial is available per subscriber. See also here.

  • Which features are available in each subscription plan?

    See details of the features available in each plan here.

  • I have a rekordbox ver. 5 subscription. What do I need to do to use ver. 6?

    We've renewed the rekordbox subscription structure and the ver. 5 plans won't work with ver. 6.

    Check the features and prices for each plan and choose a plan for ver. 6.

    If you no longer need your ver. 5 subscription plan, cancel it. Click here to visit the relevant page.

    You can compare the features included in each new plan here.

  • I have a rekordbox ver. 5 subscription. Can I continue using ver. 5?

    Yes. You can continue using rekordbox ver. 5 with your existing subscription.

    Please note: As of April 2020 it isn't possible to start a new ver. 5 subscription.

  • What happens when the 30 Day Free Trial expires?

    When the 30 Day Free Trial of the subscription plan expires, it will automatically switch to the paid plan.

  • Can I use all the features in PERFORMANCE mode with the Free plan?

    The following features are displayed on-screen but can't be used with the Free plan (or the features are available but with limited use). Please note that you can't control rekordbox via connected DJ equipment when using the Free plan.

    • Recording
    • Sharing mixes
    • Sampler Sequence Saving
    • MIDI Learn
    • Video output (Caution messages are displayed on the external monitor.)
    • Lyric (When the number of characters exceeds the limit of 150, *** is displayed.)
    • DVS (REL mode and ABS mode aren't available.)

  • Can I use a rekordbox ver. 6 subscription plan on more than one computer?

    Yes, you can use multiple computers under a single rekordbox ver. 6 subscription plan.

    Log in with the account details you used for the subscription plan and activate the additional computers.

  • I have a rekordbox dj license key but I can’t activate rekordbox ver. 6 with it.

    You can't activate rekordbox ver. 6 using a rekordbox dj license key. You'll need to start a subscription plan for ver. 6 if you want to use the latest version of the application.

  • How many computers/mobile devices can be activated with a single subscription plan?

    The maximum number of computers/mobile devices you can activate with a single subscription plan is:

    • Core plan: 2
    • Creative plan: 4

    *You must log in with the account you used to start the subscription.

  • I’ve started a subscription plan for rekordbox ver. 6, but I can’t use any ver. 6 features.

    You need to activate your computer on My Page in rekordbox.

    Click [MY PAGE] and turn on the [ON/OFF] button to the right of [Activate this computer] on the [PLAN] tab.

  • I don’t know how to activate or deactivate my computer for use with my rekordbox ver. 6 subscription plan.

    You can activate/deactivate your computer on My Page in rekordbox.


    Click [MY PAGE] and turn on the [ON/OFF] button to the right of [Activate this computer] on the [PLAN] tab.


    Click [MY PAGE] and turn off the [ON/OFF] button to the right of [Activate this computer] on the [PLAN] tab.

  • I had several subscriptions for rekordbox ver. 5. Can I have multiple subscription plans for ver. 6?

    In rekordbox ver. 6, each account can have one subscription only. If you want to sign up for multiple subscriptions, you'll need to create a separate account for each one.

  • If I start a subscription plan, which features can I use in rekordbox (iOS/Android)?

    rekordbox (iOS/Android) only supports the subscription plans for rekordbox (iOS) ver. 3.

    rekordbox (iOS) ver. 3

    • Core plan: Includes standard features.
    • Creative plan: Also includes Cloud Library Sync feature. See details about the Cloud Library Sync feature here.

    rekordbox (iOS) ver. 2.3.2. (or earlier)

    • No subscription plans available.

    rekordbox (Android)

    • No subscription plans available.

  • I deactivated my computer to cancel my subscription plan, but the payments have continued. What should I do?

    Deactivating a device does not cancel your subscription. If you want to end your subscription, please follow the cancellation procedure.

    See details on how to cancel your subscription here.

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  • Can I use rekordbox without a ver. 6 subscription plan?

    You can use rekordbox ver. 6 without a subscription.However, the available features vary depending on how you use the software and what kind of DJ equipment you connect.

    When using EXPORT mode

    No subscription is needed.

    Available features:

    Track management, track import to USB devices, LINK Export, recording, and more.

    When using PERFORMANCE mode

    A paid subscription plan is needed to control ver. 6 PERFORMANCE mode via DJ equipment.*1

    In this mode, you can perform DJ mixes. The DVS, Video, RMX EFFECTS, and Lyric features are available depending on the subscription plan you choose.

    Even if you don't have a subscription, you can use some features in PERFORMANCE mode.*2

    *1 A subscription isn't needed when a ver. 6 Hardware Unlock device is connected.

    *2 You can use your computer for DJ/video mixes if you don't have a subscription.

    See details of the features included in each plan here.

  • If I’m using a rekordbox ver. 6 subscription plan, can I keep using it even if I switch to a different account that I don’t have a subscription with?

    The subscription plan is associated with the account you signed up with. If you switch to another account, you'll also switch to that account's subscription plan. So, you won't be able to use your subscription plan if you switch to an account that doesn't have a subscription.

    If you switch to an account that has no subscription plan associated, you can use the rekordbox Free plan. Free plan includes EXPORT mode and selected features in PERFORMANCE mode.

  • If I deactivate my computer/mobile device, will my subscription be cancelled?

    Your subscription plan won't be cancelled and you'll continue to be billed as usual.

    Even after deactivating your computer/mobile device, you can keep using rekordbox via the Free plan on the same computer/mobile device.

    Free plan includes EXPORT mode and selected features in PERFORMANCE mode.

  • What do you mean by, “Some functions are limited” for PERFORMANCE mode in the Free and Core plans?

    Use of the following features is limited with these plans:

    • Video output (Caution messages are displayed on the external monitor.)
    • Lyric (When the number of characters exceeds the limit of 150, *** is displayed.)

  • What should I do if I see the message below when I try to activate my computer/mobile device? “The number of activated devices has reached the limit. Please deactivate a computer/mobile device and try again.”

    The number of computers/mobile devices that can be activated is up to 2 for the Core plan and 4 for the Creative plan.
    If you reach the limit, deactivate a device before activating a new one.

  • How can I start/cancel/change a rekordbox ver. 6 subscription plan?

    You can start/cancel/change a rekordbox ver. 6 subscription plan on

    After logging into the website, click here to visit the relevant page.

  • Will my rekordbox ver. 5 subscription automatically carry over to ver. 6?

    We've renewed the rekordbox subscription structure and the ver. 5 plans won't work with ver. 6.
    Check the features and prices for each plan and choose a plan for ver. 6. If you no longer need your ver. 5 subscription plan, cancel it.
    You can compare the features of each new plan here.

  • If I change my plan, when will the change be applied?

    When you upgrade to a higher plan:

    The change will be applied immediately.

    When you switch to a lower plan:

    The change will be applied on the next renewal date.

    What's the 'next renewal date'?

    Suppose you started a plan on the 10th of the month. If you change the plan between the 1st and 9th (inclusive) of a month, the next renewal date is the 10th of the current month.

    If you change plans on the 10th or any following day until the end of the month, the renewal date is the 10th of the next month.

    For example, if you started a plan on June 10 and you change it on September 10, the next renewal date will be October 10.

    *Disclaimer: renewal dates may differ due to time differences, etc. Spotify download file location mac.

  • I’m using the 30 Day Free Trial subscription plan. When will the paid subscription start?

    You can subscribe to one of the plans free of charge for 30 days.

    When the free period ends, the paid subscription begins automatically.

  • I’m using the 30 Day Free Trial subscription plan. Will you send me an email before it switches to the paid subscription?

    Digital River will send an email to the address you registered when you started the subscription, notifying you that the plan is due to switch to the paid subscription.

  • How can I check the renewal (payment) date of my subscription plan?

    See the license check menu on My Page on the website (if you have a subscription plan for rekordbox ver. 6).

  • My credit card was declined.

  • How can I change my credit card for my subscription?

    You can change the credit card used for billing on My Page on the website (if you have a subscription plan for rekordbox ver. 6).

  • I forgot which email address I used for my subscription. Where can I check?

    You can check on [MY PAGE] in rekordbox (the application). The email address is shown in the top right corner.

    If you can't find the email address in rekordbox, check your inbox for an email from Digital River. This was sent to the address you used when you started your subscription.

  • I have a rekordbox ver. 5 subscription. I want to subscribe to both ver. 5 and ver. 6. How can I do this?

    To use rekordbox ver. 6, you'll need to subscribe separately.

    If you already have a subscription for ver. 5, you can continue with it.

  • I’ve signed up for a rekordbox ver. 6 subscription plan, but I can’t activate ver. 5.

    You can't activate rekordbox ver. 5 using a ver. 6 subscription.

    You can activate ver. 5 if you've already subscribed to ver. 5, purchased a license key, or had a license key bundled with a product.

    Please note: As of April 2020 it isn't possible to start a new a ver. 5 subscription or buy a license.

  • I have a rekordbox ver. 5 Base plan subscription. Which plan do you recommend for ver. 6?

    rekordbox ver. 6 offers two subscription plans.

    • Core plan
    • Creative plan

    Core plan enables you to connect DJ equipment and use it to control PERFORMANCE mode.

    Creative plan includes the Cloud Library Sync, RMX EFFECTS, Lyric and Video features.

    See details on the features included in each plan here.

  • How can I check my activation status for my rekordbox ver. 6 subscription plan?

  • I’m using the 30 Day Free Trial subscription. Can I change my plan during the free period?

    You can't change your subscription plan during the free trial period.

    You can only change plans after the paid period begins.

  • I’ve started a rekordbox ver. 6 subscription plan, but I want to return to ver. 5. Can I buy a ver. 5 license?

    As of April 2020, it isn't possible to start a new a ver. 5 subscription or buy a license.

    If you already have a ver. 5 subscription or license (purchased or bundled), you can continue to use ver. 5.

  • I bought a piece of Pioneer DJ equipment and it included a rekordbox dj (ver. 5) license key. How can I use the DVS/Video/RMX EFFECTS/Lyric features with ver. 5? What else do I need to use these features?

    You can control rekordbox ver. 5 PERFORMANCE mode when using DJ equipment that came bundled with a rekordbox dj (ver. 5) license key. However, the DVS/Video/RMX EFFECTS/Lyric features won't be available if you don't have a ver. 5 license key or subscription plan for the Plus Pack that includes the feature you want to use.

    Please note: As of April 2020 it isn't possible to start a new a ver. 5 subscription or buy a license.

    You'll need to start a rekordbox ver. 6 subscription plan to use the DVS/Video/RMX EFFECTS/Lyric features.

  • I bought a piece of DJ equipment but a rekordbox dj license key wasn’t included. Can I control ver. 5 PERFORMANCE mode with this DJ equipment? And can I use the DVS/Video/RMX EFFECTS/Lyric features?

    If you don't have a rekordbox ver. 5 license key, you can't control ver. 5 PERFORMANCE mode. Also, you can't use the DVS/Video/RMX EFFECTS/Lyric features.

    Although you can't use ver. 5, you can control rekordbox ver. 6 PERFORMANCE mode and use the DVS/Video/RMX EFFECTS/Lyric features if you start a subscription plan.

  • I forgot which email address I used for my Pioneer DJ account, which is also used for logging into rekordbox (Mac/Windows). Where can I check which address I used?

    Follow the steps below to check the email address of the Pioneer DJ account with which you're logged into rekordbox (Mac/Windows):

    1. Start rekordbox (Mac/Windows).
    2. Select [MY PAGE] at the top of the window.

    The email address is shown in the top right corner of the [MY PAGE] window.

  • I subscribed Core Plan. What should I do next to use the features of Core Plan?

    You need to activate your computer.

    In rekordbox (Mac/Windows), open [MY PAGE] and turn on the [ON/OFF] button to the right of [Activate this computer] on the [PLAN] tab.

    You do not have to activate your mobile device.

  • I subscribed Creative Plan. What should I do next to use the features of Creative Plan such as Cloud Library Sync?

    You need to activate your computer or mobile device.

    To activate your computer:

    In rekordbox (Mac/Windows), open [MY PAGE] and turn on the [ON/OFF] button to the right of [Activate this computer] on the [PLAN] tab.

    To activate a mobile device:

    In rekordbox (iOS), open [Settings] > [Account Information] > [Subscription Plan] and turn on [Activate].

    You can check the activation status on My Page on the rekordbox website.

  • Tell me about the [30 Day Free Trial] of the subscription plans.

    When you start a subscription plan for rekordbox ver. 6, you can use it free for 30 days (free trial can be used only once).

    Please note:

    1. Once you've started the 30 Day Free Trial, you can't use another 30 Day Free Trial when you start another plan.
    2. You can't change your subscription plan during the free period.
    3. If you cancel a subscription plan during the free period, you won't be able to start another subscription plan until the free period ends.

Rekordbox Philips Hue


Rekordbox Philips Hue Light

Rekordbox Philips Hue

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  • Can I control all lighting fixtures registered in Fixture Library from rekordbox?

    Only specific DMX lighting fixture features – such as the dimmer, strobe, color and moving head (PAN/TILT) – can be controlled with [LIGHTING] mode.

    The fixtures, which have other features than the above, may not work as expected.

    Features like GOBO, along with some effect lights, lasers, fog machines and all-in-one lighting systems aren't supported.

  • When I switch [Bank] of [Scene] using [MACRO EDITOR], will they be linked to the track and saved?

  • When I edited [Macro] for a track using [MACRO EDITOR], can I change [Scene] or switch [Bank] ?

    Yes. However, please note that your edit work on the [Macro] will be discarded.

  • What is [Bank] of [Scene]?

    The [Bank] is a variation of [Scene] consisting of







    CLUB 1

    CLUB 2.

  • What is [Mood]?

    The [Mood] is a classification of music based on audio information including tempo, rhythm, kick drum and sound density.

    It is classified as HIGH /MID/LOW.

  • What is [Macro]?

    The [Macro] means combination of multiple [Scene].

  • What is [Scene]?

    The [Scene] is lighting effects settings composed of multiple different lighting fixtures.

    Up to 16 kinds of lighting effects information can be saved in one [Scene].

  • Can I control lighting from a controller?


    On the PAD EDITOR screen or MIDI assignment screen, you can assign functions such as color changes and strobe flashing patterns to the performance pads and control them from your DJ controller.

    For details, please see 'LIGHTING mode operation guide'.

  • Are [Scenes] preset?


    The [Scenes] are preset.

    You can also edit them or create new ones.

  • How do I use the lighting function?

    Follow the steps below for using the lighting function.

    1. Select LIGHTING mode and assign fixtures.
    2. Analyze phrase of the tracks.
    3. Play the phrase-analyzed tracks in PERFORMANCE mode.

  • I can’t perform lighting in sync with tracks that are not phrase-analyzed. How Can I do it?

    If tracks are not phrase-analyzed, you cannot perform lighting in sync with the tracks.

  • Can I have more than one DMX assignment ?

    Yes. By using [Venue], you can have multiple DMX assignments.

    You can select the [Venue] you want to perform at [Preferences] > [Lighting].

  • What is [Venue]?

    The [Venue] is a function that allows you to save DMX channel assignment information (1 universe) of multiple lighting fixtures sets separately according to your needs.

  • What types of lighting fixtures are supported in [LIGHTING] mode?

    The following DMX-compatible fixtures are supported.

    Par Light

    Bar Light

    Moving Head



  • What is [LIGHTING] mode?

    The [LIGHTING] mode is a mode to assign lighting fixtures and edit lighting scenes. It has the following screens :

    • [FIXTURE LIBRARY]: assignment and settings for your lighting fixtures
    • [MACRO MAPPING]: change linkage between [Scene] and phrases
    • [MACRO EDITOR]: quickly edit [Scene] to match the flow of the track

  • What is Fixture Library ?

    The Fixture Library is the list of fixture profiles including manufacturers, models, DMX channels, categories, etc. provided by AtlaBase Ltd.

  • Is internet connection required to use the [LIGHTING] mode?

    Yes. Internet connection is required to download/upload Fixture Library and preset lighting scenes.

  • Should I have rekordbox dj to use the lighting function ?

    Yes. Please activate rekordbox dj to use the lighting function.

  • Can I control all lighting fixtures registered in rekordbox Fixture Library from rekordbox?

    Only specific DMX lighting fixture features – such as the dimmer, strobe, color and moving head (PAN/TILT) – can be controlled with [LIGHTING] mode.

    The fixtures, which have other features than the above, may not work as expected.

    Features like GOBO, along with some effect lights, lasers, fog machines and all-in-one lighting systems aren't supported.

  • How can I find if the lighting fixtures are supported in LIGHTING mode?

    Select [LIGHTING] mode > [FIXTURE LIBRARY] screen and check them.

    Or check here. Widevine media optimizer mac download.

  • The lighting fixture I want to use is not supported in LIGHTING mode. What can I do?

    If the lighting fixture is not supported,

    1. Select the [LIGHTING] mode.
    2. Open [FIXTURE LIBRARY] screen and click [+] button on the right. You can request addition via our Forum. Please note that we cannot guarantee that you can add any fixtures as you wish.(Please see LIGHTING mode Operation Guide for details.)

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