Github Markup Language

The Pango Markup Language
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We show rendered markup in several places on GitHub, most notably including a project’s main README on the Repository page itself. Starting today, GitHub supports relative links in markup files. By definition, a markup language is a system for annotating a document in a way that is syntactically distinguishable from the text. HTML markup consists of tags and attributes, character-based data-types, character references and entity references.

The Pango Markup Language

The Pango Markup Language — a simple markup language for encoding attributes with text.


Github markdown language

The pango markup language is a very simple SGML-like language thatallows you specify attributes with the text they are applied to by using asmall set of markup tags. A simple example of a string using markupis:

<span foreground='blue' size='100'>Blue text</span> is <i>cool</i>!

Github Markdown Tutorial

Using the pango markup language to markup text and parsing theresult with the pango.parse_markup() function is a convenient way to generate the pango.AttrListand plain text that can be used in a pango.Layout.

The root tag of a marked-up document is<markup>, but the pango.parse_markup() function allows you to omit this tag, so you will most likely never need touse it. The most general markup tag is <span>. The<span> tag has the following attributes:


A font description string, such as 'Sans Italic 12';note that any other span attributes will override this description. So ifyou have 'Sans Italic' and also a attribute, you will getSans normal, not italic.


A font family name such as 'normal', 'sans', 'serif' or'monospace'.


A synonym for font_family


The font size in thousandths of a point, or one of theabsolute sizes 'xx-small', 'x-small', 'small', 'medium', 'large', 'x-large','xx-large', or one of the relative sizes 'smaller' or 'larger'.


The slant style - one of 'normal', 'oblique', or'italic'


The font weight - one of 'ultralight', 'light','normal', 'bold', 'ultrabold', 'heavy', or a numeric weight.


The font variant - either 'normal' or'smallcaps'.


The font width - one of 'ultracondensed','extracondensed', 'condensed', 'semicondensed', 'normal', 'semiexpanded','expanded', 'extraexpanded', 'ultraexpanded'.


An RGB color specification such as '#00FF00' or a colorname such as 'red'.


An RGB color specification such as '#00FF00' or a colorname such as 'red'.


The underline style - one of 'single', 'double', 'low',or 'none'.


The vertical displacement from the baseline, in tenthousandths of an em. Can be negative for subscript, positive forsuperscript.


'true' or 'false' whether to strike through thetext.


If True enable fallback to other fontsof characters are missing from the current font. If disabled, thencharacters will only be used from the closest matching font on thesystem. No fallback will be done to other fonts on the system that mightcontain the characters in the text. Fallback is enabled by default. Mostapplications should not disable fallback.


A language code, indicating the textlanguage.

There are a number of convenience tags that encapsulate specificspan options:



Make the text bold.


Makes font relatively larger, equivalent to <spansize='larger'>.


Make the text italic.


Strikethrough the text.


Subscript the text.


Superscript the text.


Makes font relatively smaller, equivalent to <spansize='smaller'>.


Use a monospace font.


Underline the text.
Mathematical Markup Language

Gitlab Toc

  1. язык разметки математический

язык разметки математический
Базирующийся на соглашениях XML язык разметки текстов, содержащих математические формулы. Начальная версия этого языка Mathematical Markup Language (MathML), Version 1.0 была одобрена в качестве стандарта W3C в апреле 1998 г. [].


  • информационные технологии в целом


  • Mathematical Markup Language
  • MathML

Github Markup Language

Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии. 2015.

Смотреть что такое 'Mathematical Markup Language' в других словарях:

Github Markdown Syntax

  • Mathematical Markup Language — Mathematical Markup Language, MathML … Universal-Lexikon

  • Mathematical Markup Language — Vorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/MagischeZahl fehltVorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/Art fehltVorlage:Infobox Dateiformat/Wartung/Website fehlt Mathematical Markup Language Dateiendung: .mml MIME Type … Deutsch Wikipedia

  • mathematical markup language — noun A method of representing mathematical symbols and formulae using XML … Wiktionary

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  • List of document markup languages — The following is a list of document markup languages.Well known document markup languages*HyperText Markup Language (HTML) *Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) *Rich Text Format (RTF) Microsoft format for exchanging documents with other vendors … Wikipedia

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