Woocommerce Zapier

  1. Adds new orders to a spreadsheet row. Just do as in the video. I have the newest WooCommerce and I write this on šŸ˜‰ Thanks a lot! - unfortunately Webhooks in zapier was maden only for Premium users:(( So now its the same as using the WooCommerce app in Zapier.
  2. WooCommerce Zapier v.2.0.7 lets you connect up your store for two way integration and automation with thousands of cloud apps. Instead of making the same changes every time a new order comes in, a new customer makes a purchase or an orderā€™s status changes, set up an automation once and let it run forever. Purchase this file by itself or get access to our entire 10,000 files for one low.

In a matter of minutes and without a single line of code, Zapier allows you to automatically send info between OneDrive and WooCommerce. Connect OneDrive + WooCommerce in Minutes It's easy to connect OneDrive + WooCommerce and requires absolutely zero coding experienceā€”the only limit is your own imagination.

Once you have installed the WooCommerce Zapier plugin on your WooCommerce store, configuring your Zaps/integrations (Triggers and Actions) is done via the Zapier.com website.

Make a ZapĀ¶


If you havenā€™t created a Zap before, please refer to Zapierā€™s key concepts article before proceeding.

To create a WooCommerce Zap, we recommend using one of the Zap templates, as it is typically quicker than hand-crafting your Zap from scratch.


The actual fields and data can vary depending on the WordPress and WooCommerce versions installed, and by installed plugins and settings. If you are using an Actions template, please refresh the fields to make sure everything is updated to match your individual store.

If you would like to start from scratch, go to your Zapier dashboard page on zapier.com and press the Make Zap button on the left sidebar to set up a new Zap. Alternatively, you can start typing directly on that page.


When you create your first WooCommerce Zap, you will be asked to choose your WooCommerce account.

The authentication process involves the Zapier.com service connecting to your WooCommerce store using your WordPress username and password.

Please ensure you complete the authentication dialogue window correctly:

  • In the Website URL field, enter the URL to your WooCommerce storeā€™s homepage. Be sure the URL starts with https:// and do not include the trailing slash.
    For example: https://example.com or https://example.com/wordpress.
  • In the WordPress Administrator Username field, enter your admin username or email address that you use when logging into the WordPress dashboard.
  • In the WordPress Administrator Password field, enter your WordPress password.


If you encounter issues while authenticating, please refer to our Troubleshooting Authentication Errors documentation. After effects cc 17 torrent mac.

Trigger (Outgoing Connection)Ā¶

This feature allows you to send WooCommerce data to a Zapier Zap.

Step 1: Trigger stepĀ¶

  1. In the Choose App & Event step, search for the WooCommerce app and click it.
  2. Select the Resource (data type) in the Choose Trigger Event dropdown ā€“ for example, Order if you would like to send WooCommerce orders to Zapier.

  3. In the Choose Account step, click on Sign in to WooCommerce button to authenticate your Zapier account with your WooCommerce store.
    If you already authenticated, you can choose the previously used authentication from the WooCommerce account dropdown menu instead.


    If you encounter issues while authenticating, please refer to our Troubleshooting Authentication Errors documentation.

  4. The Customiseā€¦1 step

    • Select a Trigger Rule from the Trigger Rule dropdown to choose which event start your zap. For example, Order created. See here for details on which Trigger Rule to use.
  5. In the Find Data step, click the Test & Continue button to retrieve sample data from your WooCommerce store.

    Find Data

    When retrieving sample data from your store, it isnā€™t contextual to the Trigger Rule you have chosen for the Zap. Find Data simply retrieves your most recent store data (regardless of status) when getting sample data.

    However, once you turn on your Zap, the trigger rule will apply and should only send relevant data to Zapier.

Step 2: Action stepĀ¶

  1. In the Choose App & Event step, choose a service to send your WooCommerce data to.
  2. Finish configuring the Action step. Please see Zapierā€™s instructions on setting up your Zap action for more details.

Step 3: Finishing ZapĀ¶

  • Optionally Customize your Zap
  • You can Name your Zap
  • Donā€™t forget to Turn on your Zap

Action (Incoming Connection)Ā¶

Actions allow you to create new (or update existing) WooCommerce data from a Zapier Zap.

Step 1: Trigger stepsĀ¶

  1. In the Choose App & Event step, choose a service to get the source data from.
  2. Finish configuring the Trigger.

Step 2: Action stepsĀ¶

  1. In the Choose App & Event step, select the WooCommerce app.
  2. Choose the Action in the Choose Action Event dropdown ā€“ for example, Create Order.

  3. In the Choose Account step, click on Sign in to WooCommerce button to authenticate your Zapier account with your WooCommerce store.
    If you already authenticated, you can choose the previously used authentication from the WooCommerce account dropdown menu instead.


    If you encounter issues while authenticating, please refer to our Troubleshooting Authentication Errors documentation.

  4. The Customiseā€¦1 step

    • Fill in all of the WooCommerce input fields that you want to send data to. You can choose data fields from the Trigger part of your Zap, or you can type in hard-coded values.
  5. In the Send Data step, click the Test & Continue button to finish the Action configuration.

Step 3: Finishing ZapĀ¶

  • Optionally Customize your Zap
  • You can Name your Zap
  • Donā€™t forget to Turn on your Zap

Update a ResourceĀ¶

This feature allows you to update existing data in WooCommerce from a Zapier Zap. For example, you could create a Zap that updates the inventory (stock) level of a WooCommerce product via a Zap automation.

If you know the ID of a WooCommerce Resource (for example coming from a previous step), you can update that resource with the new Update Action.

Configure your Zap as seen in the Create an Action chapter above, and in the Choose Action Event dropdown select the corresponding UpdateAction.

Tip: Resource ID is Required for Update Steps

An Update action always needs a valid ID to be specified, so that your Zap knows which record to update.

To help identify the correct Resource ID, you can add a Find step before your update step. The result of your Find step will contain the Resource ID, and then you can use that in the Update step.

Create a ResourceĀ¶

This feature allows you to create new data in WooCommerce from a Zapier Zap. For example, you could create a Zap that creates a new Customer in WooCommerce whenever they subscribe to your mailing list.

Configure your Zap as seen in the Create an Action chapter above, and in the Choose Action Event dropdown select the corresponding CreateAction.

The Zapier Integration (and WooCommerce itself) is quite relaxed when creating a new Resource. You can create orders, products, and subscriptions without any input, but thatā€™s probably not what you want.

  • For Create Coupon, you must provide at least the Coupon code.
  • For Create Customer, you must provide at least the Customer email address.

The required fields are clearly labelled in the Zapier interface.


For more details on each data field, please consult the relevant Field Definitions documentation.

Find a Resource(Search)Ā¶

This feature allows you to search for existing WooCommerce data from a Zapier Zap. For example, you could search for a product based on its SKU before updating it in WooCommerce.

Configure your Zap as seen in the Create an Action chapter above, and in the Choose Action Event dropdown select the corresponding FindAction.

After finding a Resource you can immediately create one if its not found. This is a great way to implement synchronisation functionality between two apps using Zapier.

Alternatively, after searching you can add an additional step2 to your Zap to use the found Resource/data.

Meta Data (Custom Fields)Ā¶

WooCommerce is designed to be flexible and extensible. Part of this extensibility is a meta data capability, which extensions/plugins can use to store their additional information/data.

For example, whenever an order is created in WooCommerce, information is often stored in the orderā€™s meta data. Payment gateways (such as Stripe) will often store their fee and/or net revenue information in Order Meta Data.

Moreover, if you are using Custom Fields in your store, then they will typically be stored in meta data also.

In the context of WooCommerce Zapier and your Zaps, the meta data that is available for use in your Zaps is as follows:

Using in Triggers and SearchesĀ¶

WooCommerce meta data is automatically expanded into individual fields to make them more accessible and usable in subsequent steps in your Zaps. Furthermore, for Createā€¦Actions a list of fields is provided for adding multiple meta data records during creation.

For example, if an Order has a stripe_fee meta data field, you can access it using the Meta Data Stripe Fee field in Zaps.


Several caveats apply when using Meta Data in your Zaps:

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  • Meta Data fields in WooCommerce are unstructured and typically vary from one resource to another.
    For example, if multiple payment gateways are used, one order may contain a specific meta data field (key), however, another order may not. This means a meta data field(s) can be missing or can be different in each task. Consider adding a Path or Filter step to your Zap, to conditionally perform separate actions depending on which Meta Data fields exist.
  • WooCommerce meta data fields can have multiple values for a single key. In this case, the last meta data value for that key is the one that is used in Zaps. i.e the first value is overwritten by the second value.
  • The existing Meta Data, Meta Data Key and Meta Data Value fields are still present for backwards compatibility reasons, however, we do not recommend using these.

When creating or configuring your Zap, the sample data chosen in the Find Data step in your trigger needs to contain the meta data fields that you would like to use in your Zap.

This makes it much easier to complete your Zap setup because the fields will be available in your Action step(s) in your Zap.

Using in Actions(Creates)Ā¶

In Create Actions, you will see a Meta Data List input section, and the Meta Data input fields are labelled as ā€œLegacyā€:

The Meta Data List input field lets you add (set) multiple meta data records at once.

  1. In the left-hand field, enter the name (key) of the meta data record you would like to add.
  2. In the right-hand field, enter the desired value for the meta data field (you can also use template variables from previous steps when setting the value).
  3. If you would like to add/set multiple meta data records, click the plus icon () and fill in that key and value also.

The Meta Data (Legacy) fields arenā€™t typically used, as we recommend using the newer Meta Data List input fields instead.

Advanced ZapsĀ¶

In a Zap you can have additional steps between the Trigger and Action steps:

  • Use a Find step to access additional data.
  • Use the Filter or Paths built-in apps to implement advanced logic or support multiple outputs.
  • Use the Formatter built-in app to transform fields values.
  • Use the Code built-in app to transform data structures, or calculate new fields.


Multi-steps Zaps require a paid Zapier account2. You can add multiple steps in a Zap to combine individual functionalities.

Find StepsĀ¶

For accessing additional data in your Zap, you can add a Find step between your Trigger and Action steps in your Zap configuration.

You can see a list of available search (find) actions in the Actions and Searches documentation.

Finding Products from OrdersĀ¶

If you are using one of the Order Triggers, and want to use the line item product category (or tag) in a subsequent action step as well, you can create a Zap that utilises a Find Product step.

There are two separate ways to implement this, depending on which Trigger you are using:

Line Item in an Order ā†’ Find ProductĀ¶

If you are using the Line Item in an Order trigger, you can configure your Zap like this:

Ensure you are using a Line Item in an Order step as Step 1, then add a Find Product action as step 2.

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Choose to search by Product ID, and insert the Line Product ID field from step 1 into it. This ensures the Find Product step should searches using the correct (unique) product ID from the orderā€™s line item.

In step 3 of your Zap (the action) you can utilise the categories ā†’ name (or tags ā†’ name) array which you can then use in the next step of your Zap.

Order ā†’ Looping by Zapier ā†’ Find ProductĀ¶

If you are using the Order trigger, an alternative approach is to use a Looping by Zapier step in your Zap like this:

Please see the Looping by Zapier chapter below for more details.

Filter by ZapierĀ¶

Filter by Zapier allows you to add special conditions to Zaps. For example, using a filter you could configure a Zap to:

  • act only on orders with a status of refunded
  • act only on orders for a specific product category
  • act only on orders that exceed a specified order value
  • act only on orders that are to be shipped to a specific country

Please see Zapierā€™s help articles for more information on how to use filters in your Zaps.

Paths by ZapierĀ¶

Woocommerce Zapier Plugin

Paths by Zapier allows you to add branching logic to Zaps. The main advantage of using Paths is that you can create up to three different outputs (paths) within a single Zap.

Please see Zapierā€™s help article for more details.

Looping by ZapierĀ¶

Adding a Looping by Zapier action to your Zap lets you perform your desired action more than once per Zap. This is particularly useful with WooCommerce Order triggers, which have multiple line items.

Typically, you would use the Create Loop From Line Items option, with a configuration like this:

Which would allow you then use the 2. Product ID field in a subsequent step (such as a Find Product step):

Please see Zapierā€™s help article for more details on how to use Looping by Zapier.


Looping by Zapier is currently a Beta Zapier app and is subject to change.

Formatter by ZapierĀ¶

With Formatter by Zapier you format data in Zaps. For example, you can split or combine field contents, convert between different number or date formats, or even transform the whole data structure.

Please see Zapierā€™s help article for more details.

Code by ZapierĀ¶

By adding the Code by Zapier step to your Zap, you can add fields based on the trigger data. For example, you can restructure, simplify or calculate new values. The output can be usable in the subsequent steps.

Please see Zapierā€™s help article for more details on how to use Javascript code in your Zaps.

Below are some examples of what you can achieve using a Code by Zapier step.

Heads Up

The following code snippets are provided as examples only.

We are unable to provide support for writing custom code, so you may need to enlist the support of a Certified Zapier Expert or Web Developer.

Add ā€œLine Items Countā€ Field to an OrderĀ¶

  1. Add a Code by Zapier step to your Zap and choose Run Javascript for the Event Action.
  2. Define lineItemIDs by choosing the 1. Line Items ID in the Input Data section.
  3. Copy the above code snippet and paste it into the Code section.

The step should look like this:

Woocommerce Zapier Plugin

The result would show in the subsequent steps like this:

Add Meta Data Fields to a Trigger Ā¶

Heads Up

Looking for the meta data code example? Individual meta data fields are now accessible without needing to add a Code by Zapier step. Please see here for more details.

Performing Different Actions For Different Products OrderedĀ¶

Each Zap that uses the Order trigger will apply to all orders (and thus all products) by default, however, it is possible to perform different actions based on the product ordered.

Microsoft office 2016 free for mac trial. To set this up, we recommend using the Line Item in an Order trigger (instead of the Order trigger) because Line Item in an Order trigger fires individually for every single line item ordered, rather than firing only once per order. This allows you to automate based on the individual products ordered.

Step 1 of your Zap should be the WooCommerce app, with Line Item in an Order as the trigger. Youā€™ll likely use the Order paid or Order created trigger rule.

Step 2 of your Zap should be either a Paths by Zapier or Filter by Zapier step. Step 2 is where the conditional logic is added to only act on a specific product.

For example, using a Paths by Zapier step, you can set up several paths for different products in your store, which would look something like this:

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For each path configuration, you would set up criteria such as the following, which is based on the name of the product ordered:

Then inside each path, you would perform your desired action.

For more detail on how to use Paths in your Zaps, please see this Zapier help article.


By default, Zapier has a limit using paths per Zap, so if you need to do this for more than that, then you will need multiple Zaps.

Existing ConnectionĀ¶

To manage, modify, or delete existing connections, please refer to the Zapier Helpā€™s Manage your Zaps page.

  1. Name is dynamically generated based on the Resource that you selected in the Choose App & Event step. ā†©ā†©

  2. Certain Zapier functionality, for example, Filter, Paths and Multi-step Zaps are only available with a paid Zapier plan. For pricing information, please refer to the Zapierā€™s Plans & Pricing page. ā†©ā†©

  3. Only available if the Coupon functionality is enabled in your WooCommerce store. (Enabled by default). ā†©

  4. Only available as a trigger. ā†©

  5. Only available if the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin is installed. ā†©

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